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Saturday, July 4, 2015

New update!

Hallo guys!

I know it's probably been a month, but I wanted to tell you guys why you've noticed that there hasn't exactly been a lot of new posts and construction going on. Well, I want to tell you all that starting tomorrow, July fifth, I'm going to try to fix the new blog up.

I'm having trouble working on the pages and stuff, since it's all new to me, but I'm sure that I'll figure it out. 

Again, I'm having to apologize to you guys because I haven't contributed to the new blog yet. Trust me, I really wanted to post a bunch of things, but I've been busy working on my book on Wattpad. You know how readers are hungry for more, so I have to update, update, update.

I didn't realize that a book would be similar like a blog. People want more, and they're eager to beg for more chapters, or in this case, more posts. Of course, I definitely don't have a problem with you guys wanting more. It tells me that you all love the blog the staff and I are working on.

Now that I'm writing this, I'm starting to look at how much I've changed. I used to struggle thinking up what to write about on my next post. Now it's like this blog helped my writing skills improve, and I feel like I can write smoothly and in a flowing structure.

Well, until next time, Chewers!

-Jessica  ~StayBeautiful (;

Wednesday, June 17, 2015

Apologies + Update

Hallo guys! 

I'm really sorry that I haven't been keeping up with you all. I've been busy reading books and writing my own book, and I'm sure the others have been busy with school or some other stuff as well. We all send you apologies and I hope you can forgive us. 

Anyhow, I wanted to tell you about the new blog. I can't exactly continue making posts and such, because I don't have all of the staff added to the blog. I just need two more, and that's all. Speaking of the staff..

We might have another staff member join us! Her name is Sugar, and if the staff and I get into an agreement, she may join our group.

Well, until next time, Chewers!

-Jessica  ~StayBeautiful (;

Tuesday, June 9, 2015

The New Blog!!

Hallo guys! 

I think I'll begin to start my posts off like this. Of course, not on this blog. 

"Not this blog? You don't mean.." 

Yes, that's right! We are officially moving to WordPress! I'm really excited about this because WordPress will be a new experience for me and I've heard that there are a lot more advantages in this website we're working on.

In case you're really curious about how the website is turning out, just click this link and it'll take you right to our new website.

To be honest with you, when you take a look at the website, it looks a little too girly. Probably because of the background, but I'm trying to work on the background so it won't look for girls only, but I don't want the website for only boys either, so I'm trying to look for a background that's for both boys and girls.

If you have any questions or comments or maybe at least any tips or advice for us on this new website, feel free to post down below this post. 

Well, until next time Chewers!

-Jessica  ~StayBeautiful (;

Saturday, June 6, 2015

Sorry About Some Stuff...

Before we move to Wordpress, I want to make a short post saying I'm dearly sorry for everything that has been going on.

First, I wanted to say that I haven't contributed to this blog, like I wanted to. I haven't made lots of posts here. But I'm here to say, on the new blog, I will absolutely try to make as many of posts as I can think of...Especially since school is about to let out for me, so I'll have a lot of spare time on my hands.

Second, I hope the journey we have with this 2nd blog, is even better than the first. I hope all of us (staff, fans, viewers, etc.) have an amazing time with this new blog. Of course, I do not think we are deleting this blog, (to be honest I hate deleting things, I like keeping things to hold back memories)...

Alright...this is starting to sound cheesy, so I'll stop.


Sunday, May 24, 2015


New change

Hallo guys! This may be a sad post, and I'm sorry if you get a little emotional about this. )':

Well, let me tell you what I'm planning:

Yesterday, (May 23, 2015) Miley and I were talking and I suggested that maybe we should transfer from Blogger to Wordpress. It would probably do us good to make a change, because our Blogger blog could be like our draft, and our soon-to-be blog on WordPress could be our final draft. 

So Miley said, "Oh yeah! That sounds like a great plan! Let's get started!" But as much as I did want to start on the blog on WordPress, I told her that we should get a say from everyone, because it wouldn't be fair if Miley and I just started right away. Maybe some of the staff and you Chewers didn't want to change to WordPress and just stay on Blogger.

And so Miley and I agreed to wait until we got all of your opinions. I also told Riley today (May 24) to see what she would say. She said she did want to change to WordPress, but keep the Blogger Blog. I agreed with her say and now I only need to hear from Stella and Sunny.

I also don't only want to hear from the staff, but from you guys. Like I said before, it wouldn't be fair if only some of us got to decide what was good for us. I'm a fair person and I don't want any of you guys' opinions left out.

I really really really need you to comment your opinion below this post because not only does it matter to me, but it matters to the staff too. I'm super desperate to know if you want to change or not, so please say something. As for Stella and Sunny, you may as well comment what you want if you're reading my post. If you want, we may also talk it out as a group. I can gather around all the staff members to have a group meeting. 

I also wanted to add two pictures. Both of them are from WordPress. They're two different themes that I'm considering to use for our new blog in case most of you agree to make the new blog.

Here's the first one:

The theme on this one is called Zoren. It's pretty cute, and I like how the right side is very organized. What I don't like about it though, is how the blogs words on the heading are stacked on top of each other. One thing I also like about this theme is how the pages are set (if you can't see one of the pages, look on top to the left, and something in tiny print will say "HOME").

Here's the second one:

This theme is called Ecto. What I like about this theme, is that it has the sidebar in a small section. When you press the widgets button, though, it shows a whole bunch of stuff. I'm still trying to figure out which one of these themes is better.

But then again, I'm sure there are plenty of other themes I could use that are probably better than the ones I chose. If you have any suggestions, feel free to comment about that too! 

Well, until next time, Chewers! (And don't forget to comment!!!)

-Jessica  ~StayBeautiful (;

Saturday, May 23, 2015


Ello guys! It's me, Leilani, and today this post is going to be all about STUDYING! Heh, I know this post may be too late because, most of you have finished up your finals/exams/etc....SORRY!
ANYWAYS, I'll be talking about WHAT is studying, some tips to help you study, and MORE!


WHAT is STUDYING? Studying is when you try and gather information in that brain of yours! Studying is most used for tests/assessments/exams/etc.

WHY should you STUDY? You should want to study because if you STUDY you will most likely get a very fantastic grade on your exam, HEY! Maybe even a 100%! If you don't, you will most likely get bad grades, HEY! Maybe even a 0%! You do not want to get bad grades on a daily basis, because it will again, most likely, determine your future (AHEM, College, jobs, etc)...

WHEN should you STUDY? If your teacher(s) tells you have an exam/test/etc. a week prior, you should start opening up those books and start studying! NEVER wait the day before your test, or the DAY OF YOUR TEST. when you're most energized, rather if you're so tired you'll fall asleep on your textbook and start drooling all over the place. 

WHERE should you STUDY? Study some place quiet. For example, the library, maybe your room (if you don't share a room with siblings). DON'T go somewhere, like, a noisy cafe, or a room with siblings. Never go into a room where the television is on. You will get distracted, and will be tempted to watch your favorite TV show...INSTEAD OF STUDYING!!!!!


Manage your time when you're studying. If needed, use a planner to write down your schedule. If you read slow, you need much more time to study. And vise versa, if you read fast, maybe you don't need much time to study. If you have trouble with a unit, be sure to repeat reading it, it will help you remember this unit much better. Always go to bed early than you usually do on test/exam/etc. nights. You may think staying up very late studying is great, but it's better to study all week then study one thing all night. You might want to avoid going on social media sites while you're studying. Have a setting on your electronic to block any social media sites. Doing this will avoid you from getting distracted. 

That wraps up this post today, Chewers! Hope you have a GREAT Memorial Day/weekend.

cough and continue to study 




Hallo guys! So, here we go again, with the writing thing.

"Aww! But Jessica! I'm pretty sure we're ALL tired of your writing posts. Why not make some interesting posts?"

Sorry Chewers, but you know how I am about writing. I love writing, reading, pretty much anything if it involves writing stories or reading novels (especially the romance with adventure novels :3).

Anyways, I don't want to talk about writing specifically. I just want to tell you about my week, because it involved a lot of writing.

Well, it all started on Monday. I had finals all this week and I had studied hard. On Monday night, I was ready to get some good sleep, when suddenly I had a guilty feeling. I realized that I was feeling guilty because I hadn't updated on Wattpad (where I write my books) and I was so busy with this blog that I completely forgot that I had a book to work on. The reason I had not updated, though, was because for the past few weeks, I didn't know how to start off my next chapter. 

Now I don't know how you guys feel when you have to try to write a story, but for me, it gets hard at times. For those of you who have some experience at writing, it must be difficult to start the beginning of your story, because first of all, you don't even know where to begin, and you might not even have any ideas to start you off. After a while of thinking, you may get an idea and start from there. That usually happens to me.

But the most challenging part is adding the details. Oh, God is it hard to write the details. You have to make everything detailed, but not too detailed to the point where people start snoring because it has now become a boring story. 

Then finally, there's your ending. It's not that hard to write, but at the end when you're writing the end of your story, you realize that you want to add even more than what you planned. For example, let's say that you were writing the Three Little Pigs. At the end of this story, you thought, "Hey, I don't just want all the piggies safe in the brick house. I think I'll also add..." and you drift off from there and start writing a longer ending. And before you know it, you read the ending, and realize: you just created another conflict in the story and now you'll have to write even more because you obviously can't leave the reader hanging, unless you plan making a sequel or a trilogy, or anything else, of course.

So now you know how I think about writing. It may be difficult to write a book or a story, but if you're a creative and wordy person, and put enough details into your story, then you just might make it.

Well, now we can continue back to my finals week story. So on Monday night, I was feeling guilty about not updating. I decided I would sacrifice my sleep to work on the next chapter. And for the next few days, I had only gotten about 6 or less hours of sleep.

And that's my story. Sorry if it was short. I guess I don't have much to tell you about what's happened in my life so far.

Well, until next time, Chewers!

-Jessica  ~StayBeautiful (;