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Saturday, February 21, 2015

Valentine's Day Quiz!

Valentine's Day Trivia!

Hey guys! Leilani here, and today, I have prepared a Valentine's Day Trivia, to test your I.Q. on Valentine's Day! ;)
These questions will be Valentine's Day Topic, I also made this quiz INTERACTIVE!!

How To Answer Questions:
Once you have read the question, of course you need to answer the Question right? Yes, yes, but how EXACTLY do you know if your'e right or not? WELL, Iv'e got it all planned for you. When you begin to answer the question, just click on the letter you choose, and a "CORRECT" or a "WRONG" picture will show on your screen, to determine if you are correct or not. Pretty neat, huh?
Lets Get Started!

1.)  What state produces most of America's roses?
       A. Texas
       B. New York
       C. California
       D. Georgia 

2.)  What fruit is also known as the "love apple?"
       A. Pepper
       B. Tomato
       C. Strawberry
       D. Grapefruit

3.)  Which country began the tradition of Valentine's Day?

        A. The U.S.A.
        B.  China 
        C.  England
        D. Japan

4.)  What state has a town called Valentine?

       A. Nebraska
       B. North Carolina
       C. New Jersey 
       D. Nevada

5.)   True or False; Valentine’s Day is the largest card giving holiday?


Hope you enjoyed! Comment down below your score. ;)

Hugs and Kisses,

Leilani <3


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