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Saturday, February 28, 2015

A Surprise For You All!

Surprise, Surprise!

Well, it's about the end of this romantic, beautiful month, but fear not! You still have this whole day! Well, actually, It may already be May 1st or another date for you, so uhm.. Yeah! 

Anyways, I have a special announcement to make! Since this blog has been going on for about a few months, I guess it's time to release a present for you all!

And it isssss...

Wait for it..

A diary series! Yayyy!!

"Oh wow. How exciting, Jessica."

Sorry to disappoint you all if you were expecting an expensive gift. I'm not exactly a rich person. Sorry. *Shrugs*

Well, back to my diary series! So I was lying in bed the other night, when suddenly, I thought about this idea. And then my heart started to.. ya know, feel all tingly again.

So now I'm gonna do it! Starting this weekend, I'll start it. I feel really excited because it'll contain romance, drama, and adventurous stuff! 

Well, until next time!

-Jessica   ~StayBeautiful (;

(P.s. I'll be using my real name from now on ^.~)

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