The Chewing Club Playlist

Fantage Chewing Club Chatbox

Saturday, November 15, 2014

First Contest

The first contest. 

Hey guys! So this is going to be the first contest on the blog! Woo! xD

The date.

The contest starts November the 21st. It ends on the 30th.

About the contest.

So now I bet you're dying to know what the contest is about, right? cx Well, basically you have to log into the blog's chat (Fantagechewingclub) everyday in order to win. You must be logged in the chat for only about ten minutes or more. Simple little contest, not that big of a deal, but don't worry, there will be harder contests in the future c;  Now the prize.. the winner gets.. er.. ownership in the chat. :D


Now, I know how you people are. There are cheaters out there, which means that you can't just come up to one of the admins and tell them, "Hey Miley, (Admins name) I logged into the Xat chat the whole week, so that means I win the contest!"

Yeahhh.. I don't think so. In order for us to make sure you have logged in every day, you have to inform one of the staff members, which are Larvy, Miley, Riley, Leilani, and me (Lily).

To enter the contest, you must comment on this post the following things:

1. Your name.
2. What the name of your user on Xat will be.
3. The day you entered.

I will NOT give you credit if you enter on the last day, although I will accept you if you enter no later than the 24th of November.

If you want to remove yourself from the contest, you can either email one of the staff members or comment on this post saying the following things:

1. The day you dropped out.
2. The name of your Xat user.

I might give you a prize for trying to log in the chat everyday or if you drop out near the end of the contest.

If you are in the contest BUT you miss a few days, (like maybe 1-3 days) then you won't be able to get the big prize, but you can get a smaller prize. Don't think you can try to fool us and get by if you miss some days. We'll know if you informed us or not.


There can only be four winners, but that can change depending on how many people enter. There may be more winners, or fewer winners, but there can only be one lucky winner!

Well good luck! And may the odds be ever in your favor..


Hey guys! So No one entered our little contest. I guess that means that either you're reading this and not entering or you just dont care. Well, we're not having another contest until we have more people reading our blog. See you guys! 

-Lily      ~Staybeautiful (;

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