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Sunday, November 2, 2014

How To: Put Clothes On Your Fantagian Using Paint. :)

Hey guys! Leilani here, and today I'm going to teach you how to put clothes on your Fantagian using Paint!

You all know, you want items in Fantage but you just can't get them! Problem solved!! Just follow these easy steps to being a Fantage Fashionista~~~

First crop your Fantage Base in Paint, heres mine: 

Next gather all of your items, it should look like this (these are example items).

Now you have all of your items, now to add them on the Fantage Base!  Except..when you put them on, its a big white block! o:


No worries, click Transparent Selection where it says Select. ;) 

Now, as you add the clothes to the base, you may notice the white parts in the items turn transparent also!!

Dont worry, just make the background red and make color 2 red also. 

Now add the rest of your items..

Finished Product.

~Leilani xoxo

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