The Chewing Club Playlist

Fantage Chewing Club Chatbox

Sunday, November 2, 2014

Rumor has it..

Hey guys! It's a-me, Lily! xD 

So rumor has it, that there's this girl named 'Isabell'. She's supposedly copying alot of blogs that are popular and non-popular. I honestly think this is stupid. Who in the world would waste their time copying blogs and claiming that they're the ones that made it first. Who does that? Oh wait, she does! -,-

I swear, people are starting to waste their time doing the stupidest of things.  They should be having fun (no, I don't mean copying blogs) and doing their OWN blogs, or at least doing something useful! But nooo. One person in particular just has to do this. 

Now, I don't know if this person just does it for fun, or likes taking credit for things, but, I DO know for a fact that she has to stop this.
Seriously! It's just stupid! 

Before I finish this first though, I just want to say that I don't want you doing this too. Alright? If I hear anymore of these stupid acts being committed, I'm going to hunt you down. I will find you, and I will kill you. 

Nah, just kiddng xD. But seriously. Stop plagiarism. It's not right!

Lily- ~StayBeautiful (;

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