The Chewing Club Playlist

Fantage Chewing Club Chatbox

Sunday, January 11, 2015

Excuses + Christmas D':

Excuses >.<

Hey guys! I'm reallyyy sorry we haven't been posting posts as often as we used to. We've been very busy so, once again, sorry for not paying much attention to the blog! (ᴗ_ ᴗ。) 

So how was your Christmas? Did you get what you wanted, or did you get coal in your stocking? xD Whatever it was that you got, be thankful that you at least got something. 

I also hope that you guys had a good Happy New Years day and thought out your new years resolutions. :3 And maybe you got that special new years kiss. c; 

Well, next time I'll try my best to write a bigger post. I still have to update on Wattpad and do a bunch of other stuff, so that's why this is such a short post D': Welp, see you on the flipside!

-Lily     ~StayBeautiful

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