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Sunday, December 21, 2014

Happy Holidays+Winter Break!

Hey, hey! It's Riley here, and happy holidays! I made a gamepage tab on the blog, so quickly check that out after you're done reading this post! There are nice and fun holiday stuff, not just Christmas, but Hanukkuh, etc. I absolutely cannot wait for Christmas, as it will be the best time! Anyway, I started my winter break on Friday. Now I made this little story about Christmas, so I hope you enjoy it! Also, I'm working on a Fantage Chewing Club movie production, so please look forward to that as well! (Coming to FCC on Dec. 24th)

Special Christmas...

"Wake up! Wake up!" My little sister, Chloe, shouted at me. She blew away the thick, warm, blankets and flickered the bright lights on. Ugh. 
"Ella, I really can't stand this. It's not even Christmas morning yet! So please get out." I demanded. 
I grabbed my blankets and tightly wrapped myself in them. The smell of warm cinnamon suddenly wafted through the air. Mmm, cinnamon rolls!
"But Aunty Ella is about to get here tonight!" Chloe exclaimed, as she collapsed into a dramatic bed flop.
"Wait, Aunt Ella's coming here?" Chloe nodded her head, her huge eyes sparkling and twinkling at me.
I quickly jumped out of my bed and raced down the stairs.
After breakfast, (the delicious, warm cinnamon rolls) I got ready. Chloe decked herself in red, white, and green! (Ugly Christmas sweater) At night, we got a phone call from Aunt Ella.
"Hey, Aunt Ella!" I exclaimed.
"Hey, honey-bunches! Listen, I can't make it tonight. The train's been delayed and, oh, it's all so complicated. I'm sure I can make it in time before Christmas though!"
Chloe and I melted into a frown.
"Um, okay. See you tomorrow then, Aunty Ella!" Chloe said.
We ended the call and went upstairs. I was devastated that Aunt Ella wasn't going to make it tonight, since it was a tradition to do our Christmas Gift Exchange with her. But, I knew Aunt Ella was doing the best she could to get here as fast as possible.
"Hey, Chloe. I know Aunt Ella is trying her best to get here by Christmas to see us, so how about we plan an extra special thing for Aunty?" I asked.
Chloe's eyes sparkled and twinkled even more. "Okay! Sound's like a plan! But, what do we do for her?"
"Well, I was thinking along the lines of drinking warm, delicious peppermint hot cocoa by the scorching fire, watching a movie! We could make some decorations, build a fort, and even whip up some yummy snacks!"
Now, Chloe's eyes were like firework, bright as ever. She nodded uncontrollably. We headed down the stairs to make the peppermint hot cocoa. We brewed some up, stuck 2 huge marshmallows on the end of the candycanes, stirred some peppermint extract, added whipped cream and crushed up candycanes, and finally stuck the candycane as a little stirrer! We also built a giant fort, and also made our own Christmas movie and burned it on a CD! We also prepared downloading some Christmas music to play while we drank and ate our yummy food. By the time Christmas rolled around, Chloe pounced on me to wake up. This time, I woke up without hesitation and sprinted to set everything up. That night, Aunt Ella opened the doors. We hugged and said our hellos. And that was the night that became the best Christmas of Paris's history...

Thanks for reading of how drinking peppermint hot cocoa, eating fudge, eating peppermint bark, sitting by the fireplace next to the tree, and also watching/filming a Christmas Miracle movie became a tradition in the Paris's family! Happy Holidays everyone! XOXO~Riley Paris
                                    cute christmas gif photo: christmas web-silvitatree18.gif

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