The Chewing Club Playlist

Fantage Chewing Club Chatbox

Thursday, December 18, 2014

Ho Ho Ho!

Ho Ho Ho! 

So I guess you all know what holiday is coming up. CHRISTMAS!! DUHH! :D Some of you might have presents under your tree already, and you might be dying to know what you got. Some of you might be waiting for Santa to come c; 

We should all know, though, that Christmas isn't all about the presents. It's about the meaning of Christmas. It's also that time when you can spend your time with your families and your friends!

So just out of curiosity.. what are YOU guys getting, or what are you guys wishing to get? Whether it be a new phone, a toy, or clothes, you should be grateful that you get these things! Even if it's a piece of candy, you still got something, and you should be thankful. So remember that!

Welp, that's it for this post! Oh, and enjoy this cute little picture c:

Cute, right? xD Welp, see you guys! 

-Lily  ~StayBeautiful (;

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