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Sunday, February 15, 2015

Dealing with breakups!

Breakups </3

Breakups are the hardest things to deal with. Especially for girls, 'cause you know how emotional they get. A breakup is usually expressed as the following;

  • Crying
  • Eating food
  • Eating ice cream
  • Watching Chick Flicks
  • Watching romantic movies (Twilight, Uhm.. etc.)
  • Playing video games
  • Eating more food
  • Not going out
  • Hearing sad music
  • Watching sad movies

And of course, there are many other ways breakups are expressed, but this list features the frequently used ones. 

Most people may think breakups are horrible, but trust me, they're really not! Think about it. What were the limitations of being in a relationship?

  • No holding hands with others
  • Spend all your time or most of your time with your loved one
  • No touching others
  • No flirting with others
  • No talking to other boys/girls (your other pair would most-likely get jealous)
  • Kiss only your loved one
  • No spending time with others (best friends, friends, etc.)
  • NO CHEATING! ! !

Those rules are just the basics, but I'm pretty sure there are plenty of other strict rules you must follow when you're in a relationship. And from the looks of this list. . . I would have to say it would be pretty horrible being in a relationship. But then again, most of you may disagree with me. After all, it is just my opinion.

So, as I was saying, being single isn't that terrible! I mean, look on the bright side. What are the things you can do now that you're free without having to constantly check over your ex- boyfriend/girlfriend?

  • Flirt with others!
  • Hang out with your best friends! (Boy best friends, girl best friends, etc.)
  • Hang out with your family!
  • Hang out with your regular friends!
  • Kiss whoever you want!
  • Make romantic gestures on others!
  • Laugh at your exes with your friends!
  • Do whatever you want!
  • CHEAT!

Now that list sounds more like it! So now you must see why it's not so bad being single after a breakup. Forget about your ex! Party hard, (but not too hard, like, not crazy hard) and celebrate for being a single girl/boy!

Well, until next time guys!

-Jessica/Lily   ~StayBeautiful (;

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