The Chewing Club Playlist

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Wednesday, February 18, 2015

Being in a relationship!

Relationships! <3

Being in a relationship isn't so bad, considering that it IS a big responsibility to deal with. But think of the good things that happen when you are in one!

  • You're in love! Who doesn't like the feeling of love?
  • You receive presents from each other (especially us girls :D)
  • You know that at least someone cares for you. (:
  • She/He will always be there for you!

Oh, isn't it wonderful when you view the good side of a relationship? It's also very cute and beautiful to see the sight of a couple. Just to know that they're both happy makes you feel kind of happy, doesn't it?

It almost makes me feel jealous, since I am single. No one wants to date me! D': Poor me. But that's okay! Who needs a relationship? Right? RIGHT!? ;-;

I know this was a short post, so I'm very sorry. >.< Well, until next time!

-Jessica/Lily   ~StayBeautiful

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