The Chewing Club Playlist

Fantage Chewing Club Chatbox

Wednesday, February 18, 2015

New staff member!

Welcoming the newest staff member!

This post is dedicated to our newest member joining us--Sunny! I think you all noticed, but maybe some of you didn't. But that's okay! 

I hope you all don't mind that Sunny replaces Larvy/Max's place. It honestly shouldn't be a big deal. I mean, it's a big deal that Sunny joins the blog, but having a new staff member joining us should not be something to complain about.

And, once again, another short post, but that's okay. I've written bigger posts before this one and my relationship post, so there shouldn't be any complaining for those things either. 

Well, until next time!

-Jessica/Lily   ~Staybeautiful

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