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Saturday, February 14, 2015


It's Valentine's day!!

Oh my GOSHHHH!! IT'S VALENTINES DAY!! Who's excited? I CERTAINLY AM.. even though I am single... ._. Now, since the special day is finally here, I have decided to give out some helpful tips for girls AND boys! I hope they help!

How to ask a girl out (Boy advice-unless a girl wants to ask out a girl)

So you have a crush on this girl, but you don't know how to ask her out. What now?   There's a simple solution to that! And here's how you can solve it.

Step 1: Spend a lot of time with the girl! Then you can get to really know her, whether she is shy and quiet (like me) or outgoing and social. Every girl holds how she really acts on the inside. Just try to get her trust, and you'll see how helpful it was to just get to know her, little by little.

Step 2: Start asking her out on dates! (If you can't, just ask her for her phone number so you can both chat.) You should start out slow first, like, for example, take her out to the movies! Maybe watch the new Sponge bob movie, eh? <-- (No just kidding don't take her to see that, unless of course she really does want to see that movie) After taking her to the movies, you can take her to more expensive places-I mean, not expensive, but ask her where she likes to eat and take her there.

Step 3: Make some moves! Don't kiss her YET, but just make some hand gestures, like, brush against her hand with your hand. Put your arm around her shoulders. Hold her hand, even. Perhaps after a while, you could start kissing her on the cheek, or maybe on the nose (DO IT ON THE NOSE.. IT'S VERY ROMANTIC). Then, your crush will realize that you two could be more than friends.. >:D

Step 4: Tell her you love her! Find the right spot to tell her that you love her. Take her to a nice quiet place, whether it's a park, or a romantic place (Note: the ladies love romantic places). Where ever it is that you choose, you will HAVE to remember the exact place you asked her out. 

Step 5: If she says no (which I doubt she'll say), then just tell her it was nice getting to meet her. But if she DOES say yes, give her a passionate kiss, and whisper sweet little romantic compliments. (Examples: You are so beautiful, you light up my world, you are the peanut butter to my jelly, etc.) And if you want to take this a little further, write a poem to her or a story and that will REALLY turn on the woman (not in a sexual way).

How to make a boy fall for you (Advice for girls-unless a boy wants to.. uhm.. yeah..)

You have a crush on this boy, but you don't want to ask him out. You simply want him to fall in love with you. Well, another simple solution to that! And here's how you can make it happen!

Step 1: Get to know the boy! Once he knows you're fun and awesome to hang out with, he'll want to hang out with you even more. And try not to change your personality with him. If he truly loves you, he wouldn't want you for your looks, but he would want you for your personality.

Step 2: Tell him you love him! Don't tell him that soon. Give it some time and then tell him you love him. (It wasn't so successful for me.. I was.. REJECTED! D: Just kidding, I'm not so sure.. yet.) 

Step 3: If he tells you he just wants you as a friend, just tell him it was fun to hang out with him and carry on with life until you find the right boy for you. But, if he tells you he loves you back, then let him do the talking and the romantic gestures. 


Well, I hope this advice was helpful! If you actually succeed on mastering these steps, then that means I'm a good tipper! :D And not only that, but you actually get the girl/boy of your dreams! Have a good day! I'll probably update again though. Well, until next time!

-Jessica/Lily   ~StayBeautiful (;

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