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Saturday, March 14, 2015

Finish the Story!

"Beep, beep, beep," the alarm clock rang obnoxiously and noisily in my ear. Another long day of school was ahead! I groaned and pulled myself out of the cozy, warm blankets. My feet hit the frigid, hard wood floors and-
"Creeee-aak," a sudden sound froze me and I gulped silently, as if a large ice cube was stuck in my throat. Quietly and slowly, I grabbed my white board and slipped under the covers. Suddenly, I was more awake then ever. After about 10 minutes of hiding, I realize I was being incredibly paranoid and silly. I decided it was just something that fell and hit my closet, perhaps a hanger.
"Ugh, now I'm 10 minutes late to school because of my stupid brain," I think as I walk to school.

Hey chewers! Adeline (Riley) here! <3
So I wanted to make a cool thingy ma jig on the writing tab. If you guys didn't know, today is PI DAY!!! Go ahead onto the homepage to read all about the PI-KU contest I made! <3 Anyways, I want you guys to go ahead and finish off the story. So in the comments, continue what happens next, and perhaps what that creaking noise is! <3 Love you guys to death, bye guys!

Btw, I am loving Usher's song: I Don't Mind xD
Shawty I don't mind....if you dance on a pole. ;-; xD Bye! <3333333

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