So for this week's D.I.Y, I decided to show you guys how to make fabulous candles! I got this once again, on Pinterest! <33 Click here to go to the pins.
So, as you all know, March is finally here! It's still extremely frigid here on the east, though. So, I thought we'd make these adorable FUNFETTI CUPCAKE CANDLES!!!! I'm very excited to share this D.I.Y with you guys because I switched it up a little bit. So, I went to the craft store to search for some cupcake scented wax cubes, but I couldn't find any. So I found some Funfetti cake mix and used that instead.
♧What you will need:♧
*2 pint-sized (16oz) mason jars
*Pre-waxed wicks
*Hot glue gun
*Pencils, pens, or something similar to hold the wicks in place
*2-3 tbsp water
*1-2 tbsp corn syrup
*A small paintbrush or cloth
*1/2 cup rainbow jimmies (or similar colorful sprinkles)
*1 lb soy wax flakes (or old candles if using smaller jars)
*Cupcake scented wax cubes (Also found at Michael’s)
(Or you can use 1/4 cup of Funfetti/Vanilla cake mix and vanilla extract.)
*Measuring cup with spout
1. Use a hot glue gun to attach a wick to the bottom of the jar.
2. Mix together your corn syrup and water in a separate bowl, and coat the inside of the Mason jar with the mixture. A small paintbrush can help you reach the lower parts.
3. While holding the jar horizontally, add a spoonful of sprinkles and slowly roll the jar around to mix them up inside. Add another spoonful and repeat until the jar is covered completely.
3. Lay a pen or pencil across the tops of the jars and tape the wicks to them to keep the wicks centered.
4. Using a double boiler, or a make-shift one with a pot and heat-proof bowl (you can fill a pot half-full with water, bring to a simmer, and set metal bowl on top), melt the wax flakes and 3 or 4 of the scent cubes.
5. Pour two cups of melted wax into a measuring cup with a spout. Leave the rest of the melted wax in the bowl over simmering water. Then slowly pour the wax into the jar. Try to pour it directly into the center and away from the sides.
6. Freeze for 3-4 hours until the wax has firmed up, and then your Funfetti candle is ready to use!
I also got peppermint extract and mixed in some mint essential oils to get a replica of the Twisted Peppermint candle at bath and body works. Next week I'll be sharing another amazing D.I.Y: D.I.Y SPRING BATH BOMBS! <3
I hope you guys enjoyed this post, I will be working on another one after this one. <3 Love you guys, stay positive! Good morning, good afternoon, or good night, wherever you are in the world. <3 I'll see you next week!

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