New change
Hallo guys! This may be a sad post, and I'm sorry if you get a little emotional about this. )':
Well, let me tell you what I'm planning:
Yesterday, (May 23, 2015) Miley and I were talking and I suggested that maybe we should transfer from Blogger to Wordpress. It would probably do us good to make a change, because our Blogger blog could be like our draft, and our soon-to-be blog on WordPress could be our final draft.
So Miley said, "Oh yeah! That sounds like a great plan! Let's get started!" But as much as I did want to start on the blog on WordPress, I told her that we should get a say from everyone, because it wouldn't be fair if Miley and I just started right away. Maybe some of the staff and you Chewers didn't want to change to WordPress and just stay on Blogger.
And so Miley and I agreed to wait until we got all of your opinions. I also told Riley today (May 24) to see what she would say. She said she did want to change to WordPress, but keep the Blogger Blog. I agreed with her say and now I only need to hear from Stella and Sunny.
I also don't only want to hear from the staff, but from you guys. Like I said before, it wouldn't be fair if only some of us got to decide what was good for us. I'm a fair person and I don't want any of you guys' opinions left out.
I really really really need you to comment your opinion below this post because not only does it matter to me, but it matters to the staff too. I'm super desperate to know if you want to change or not, so please say something. As for Stella and Sunny, you may as well comment what you want if you're reading my post. If you want, we may also talk it out as a group. I can gather around all the staff members to have a group meeting.
I also wanted to add two pictures. Both of them are from WordPress. They're two different themes that I'm considering to use for our new blog in case most of you agree to make the new blog.
Here's the first one:
The theme on this one is called Zoren. It's pretty cute, and I like how the right side is very organized. What I don't like about it though, is how the blogs words on the heading are stacked on top of each other. One thing I also like about this theme is how the pages are set (if you can't see one of the pages, look on top to the left, and something in tiny print will say "HOME").
Here's the second one:
This theme is called Ecto. What I like about this theme, is that it has the sidebar in a small section. When you press the widgets button, though, it shows a whole bunch of stuff. I'm still trying to figure out which one of these themes is better.
But then again, I'm sure there are plenty of other themes I could use that are probably better than the ones I chose. If you have any suggestions, feel free to comment about that too!
I also wanted to add two pictures. Both of them are from WordPress. They're two different themes that I'm considering to use for our new blog in case most of you agree to make the new blog.
Here's the first one:
The theme on this one is called Zoren. It's pretty cute, and I like how the right side is very organized. What I don't like about it though, is how the blogs words on the heading are stacked on top of each other. One thing I also like about this theme is how the pages are set (if you can't see one of the pages, look on top to the left, and something in tiny print will say "HOME").
Here's the second one:
This theme is called Ecto. What I like about this theme, is that it has the sidebar in a small section. When you press the widgets button, though, it shows a whole bunch of stuff. I'm still trying to figure out which one of these themes is better.
But then again, I'm sure there are plenty of other themes I could use that are probably better than the ones I chose. If you have any suggestions, feel free to comment about that too!
Well, until next time, Chewers! (And don't forget to comment!!!)
-Jessica ~StayBeautiful (;
Oh my gosh...I don't know where to start. OK, first of all, I AM SO DEARLY SORRY THAT I HAVEN'T CONTRIBUTED TO THE BLOG IN A WHILE. It's just that so many things have been going on in my life (here comes the excuses) laptop hasn't been working properly, so I wasn't able to come online....I have to use all of my time up for studying for final tests...and a lot of other things that has to do with my personal life...OK, second of all if you want to move on to Wordpress, that is fine by me, and vise versa if you want to keep this blog, IT'S FINE BY ME. To me, Wordpress has lots and lots of features, and I like Wordpress so much better (I hope no offence was taken there)...Also, lastly, did you guys delete the chat? This morning I logged on seeing this post, and I wanted to contact you guys through the chat...But nothing was really working properly so I decided to just write this comment. ALSO, thank you so much for waiting on Sunny+me, you wrote this post May it's June 6. So dearly thank you for that for being so dearly kind towards me and Sunny, by waiting on us while we give our answer. Just a huge thanks!
Hey, it was no problem to wait! I'm just glad you got the chance to vote and I'm also glad that you're alright. Just do what you gotta do; study, work things out, etc. The chat has been, unfortunately, deleted, so we're going to have to stick to the old chat again (yay!). Anyways, the staff and I hope you can join us again real soon! :D
Delete-Jessica ~StayBeautiful (;