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Friday, November 28, 2014

Happy Thanksgiving~! How My Thanksgiving Went

 Hi guys! Also, happy Thanksgiving! How's your Thankful Thursday been today!? My family spent ALL DAY yesterday cooking Thanksgiving Dinner. We ate some too :3. We watched the Macy's Day Parade, it was awesome! My mom is thinking about going to Black Friday...but that means I have to go too, and I don't want to be trampled over people!  (she didn't go, thank goodness!)

 Anyways, it's 5:03 where I live right now as I am writing this, we are about to have our dinner in 2 hours!! :D After, we are going to watch the Peanuts Movie~A Charlie Brown Thanksgiving, and The Mayflower Voyagers.  (we didn't watch this movie, keep reading to see what movie we did watch!)

I'll keep you posted~!!

I'm back! And it's other day since, I was stuffed yesterday and I couldn't do anything else but watch TV. Now, lets get to my meal~


Potato Salad 
Collard Greens >.<
Mac and Cheese (my all time fave)
Coconut Pie (my family didn't make Pumpkin Pie)

I didn't even finish my food >_<.

 After, we watched a movie (which turned out not to be Charlie Brown) But It's nice to watch different movies each year. 

We watched a Christmas Movie, The Night Before Christmas, the little mouse was so cute, and funny!! We stayed up to 10 P.M. (yes I was very tired, I DO NOT stay up very late). Next week we will be putting Christmas Decorations up!!! :D

And...that ends my post for Thankful Thanksgiving!! 

Thanks for reading....READER!



<----This fab turkey should fab up your day ;)

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