The Chewing Club Playlist

Fantage Chewing Club Chatbox

Monday, November 24, 2014

The World.

The World.

Hi guys!! :D It's meee, Lily! So let's talk about.. the world. So I bet you're wondering, "What's there to talk about? The world is peaceful, nice, and beautifu-"

Let me stop you right there. The world is not peaceful, and never has been. The world is definitely not nice. And it's not beautiful these days either, but it was beautiful before. Don't believe me? Well, let's compare what people saw in this world before vs what people see today.

Before . . .

Before, the world wasn't peaceful. There were a lot of wars, such as World War I, World War II, etc. Soldiers suffered for us. . .

Of course, there was also The Great Depression in America. And that fight between North Korea and South Korea. There was also that one war-

Alright. Enough with the wars. You get the idea. c: 

Now, before, the world WAS nice. I mean, the people weren't nice. Whites against African Americans. There was racism, slavery, oh it was absolutely horrible. But! Luckily, all that ended <3.

What I actually meant to say, was that the environment was nice. There were more trees. More animals. More habitats. More everything! It was actually very beautiful.

                                      ^^^ Beautiful, right? 

Now, let's look at the present.


Today, the world is, sadly, still not peaceful. Well... I guess it kind of is getting better, but I only say that for America. I honestly don't know what's going on outside of America, but I'm sure there are wars going out there somewhere.  

The world we know today is getting better at being nice and friendlier, so that's an improvement. But the ENVIRONMENT! URGH! JUST LOOK AT IT!

The pollution! Just LOOK at it! The factories are polluting the air WE'RE BREATHING!

Nature is getting littered on! People are accepting this and.. and no one actually does anything to stop this! Sure, there are SOME people helping, but is there enough contribution going on? 

There's deforestation. Desertification. Need I go on?  You know, it pains me to know that all this is happening and there's those people that try their best to stop all this. They end up failing. You know why? Because no one cares. No one does anything to help them, which is why there's still a lot of environmental problems.

I guess that ends this post. Welp, have a good day! :D

-Lily    ~StayBeautiful (;

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