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Friday, May 1, 2015

The Storm Chapter 4 SNEAK PEAK!

The Storm Chapter 4 SNEAK PEAK

Hey guys, it's Leilani here! I am so sorry some staff members have been not been able to post as much as we usually do. As some of you know some staff members have states tests, or exams...So we have not been able to be active. But I am sure as soon as all of these exams hurry by, we will be posting like usual! Anyways, I have written part of my series 'The Storm'- but it's not finished. That means I have not edited this. I hope you enjoy! :) If you haven't seen Chapter 1, 2, or 3, you might want to check those out before you read Chapter 4. Click here to view them.

The Storm; Chapter 4

I stared at Mother in Confusion. Silence occupied the room. At last- the food on the stove started to boil. Mother continued cooking while talking to me.

-"June," she said stiffly. "you know your father had to work overtime..He was unaware that an enormous thunderstorm would pop up on him like that."

-"No one," I said sharply, but quietly, "ever mentioned that Dad was working overtime.."
It's like I don't exist...I thought.

-"June" she sighed "I think it was pretty obvious"

I grew very impatient with Mother and let out a huge sigh.

Mother finished fiddling with the food and took a chance to focus on me.

She looked at me. I wasn't sure what she was going to say. She shrugged her shoulders slightly and said "Your father is just fine."..

"Now!" She said, trying to sound 'cheery' and bright, "Go get ready for your tutoring lessons."

"W-w-what?" I stuttered, then cocked my head to the side.
I hope you enjoyed!

~Leilani <3

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