The Chewing Club Playlist

Fantage Chewing Club Chatbox

Tuesday, June 9, 2015

The New Blog!!

Hallo guys! 

I think I'll begin to start my posts off like this. Of course, not on this blog. 

"Not this blog? You don't mean.." 

Yes, that's right! We are officially moving to WordPress! I'm really excited about this because WordPress will be a new experience for me and I've heard that there are a lot more advantages in this website we're working on.

In case you're really curious about how the website is turning out, just click this link and it'll take you right to our new website.

To be honest with you, when you take a look at the website, it looks a little too girly. Probably because of the background, but I'm trying to work on the background so it won't look for girls only, but I don't want the website for only boys either, so I'm trying to look for a background that's for both boys and girls.

If you have any questions or comments or maybe at least any tips or advice for us on this new website, feel free to post down below this post. 

Well, until next time Chewers!

-Jessica  ~StayBeautiful (;

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